What is biophilia? It’s a word that literally translates to “love of life.” Biophilia is a term to describe what most of us know and understand – that as humans, we all have a natural desire to interact with other forms of life like animals, plants, and nature. ...
So many of us like to have houseplants, and why not? They’re a great aesthetic addition to your home and also improve your mood and mental well-being. If you’re interested in trying something new, try growing hydroponic plants! benefits of hydroponics Hydroponics is...
Have you ever DIY'ed skincare? It can be fun to experiment and whip up your own skincare treatments, using all-natural ingredients found in your kitchen! more »
Soon, we'll be heading into the winter season. The dry winter air is likely a primary cause of dry skin. But, it can be caused by a lot of other conditions or reasons. What are they? more »